Monday, February 24, 2014

Tangled Dreams Seeking Peace

Tis time to sleep and travel a dream,

In Dreams fine time distance does not have its means,

Twas a dream that caused and holds sway,

It is the dream that is the key that unlocks what it held at bay,

In Shakespeare’s name “What dreams may come?”,

What travels this day is known to some.

In dreams half-light covered darkness flight.

Our minds message telling us of our plight.

Do we listen?  Do we pay heed?

No, we continue with our mindless greed.

Is it greed to want a life of peace?

Nay, perhaps not for we seek solace in sleep.

So find your peace and forget William’s play!

In the end of the day, in the end of night “…we sleep no more.” Some say.

Some say.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

I'm Not Dead... I'm Breathing... :)

While I would like to say I exercise regularly to relax I cannot.  I can state that I am aware that regular exercise does release stress, and that meditation breathing is effective for this purpose.  A long ago in a body that was not marred by thirty years of abuse; I exercised daily.    The program that was followed combined weight lifting, martial arts (Judo, Tae Kwan Do, Jeet Kune Do), gymnastics and competitive shooting.  What I learned from each one that breathing was an essential key to being successful in each discipline.

            Weight lifting can have three main purposes and each requires proper breathing.  The type of breathing technique used varies depending on that type.  Example, for power lifting the exhale is the most important.  You combine the energy of the release with the explosive surge of the lift to create maximum force.  When cardio lifting, breathing is more shallow and even to reduce variations in heart rate.  Lastly, when using lifting for equalizing muscle strength, such as building your biceps as much as the triceps, a deep measured exhale is used with each movement with a slight pause at the end of the movement used for inhaling.

            Martial arts use the exact same techniques for different movements and effects.  Striking an opponent is the exact same as power lifting.  You use an extreme exhale in conjunction with the strike to focus that energy (also known as Chi) at the exact time of the strike forcing all that energy into your opponent.  When grappling with an opponent you must keep your breathing constant so you don't tire yourself out between moves.  This also helps to prevent tunnel vision by keeping your mind from fully embracing the adrenaline that is attempting to take over your senses.  When meditating an adapted version of the measured breathing in weight lifting is used.  Instead of the quick intake the entire breathing cycle is measured causing the body to fully relax. 

            The same technique is used in competitive shooting at long distances.  If your heart is beating too hard or fast your entire musculature moves with it.  Every expansion of the veins and arteries moves the muscles holding you steady.  The causes your face to rise and fall on the cheek piece, your finger to tremble on the trigger, your body to vibrate moving your sight position on the target, and cause your chest to rise and fall lifting your body from a solid resting place to that of being placed on a balloon.  Breathing evens out and minimizes these movements allowing a clean sight view, smooth trigger pull and a shake free follow through.  The "sweet" spot is just at the end of the exhale just before the inhale.  This is where your body is the stillest making your shot the most accurate.  If you are in tune that small split second seems like an eternity and you are in a state of mental awareness surrounded by physical stillness, just like the meditation used in martial arts.

            It is there in that state of awareness surrounded by physical stillness that full peace and relaxation finds me.  My physical condition determined what I was able to do in that space.  Then I could lower my heart rate to less than 40 beats per minute and change my body temperature.  Now I use the technique to remain calm in stress filled situations.  I sit at times focusing on those moments and concentrate on what sounds are around me increasing my awareness.  It is amazing what you can hear in a Park or cafĂ© if you just breathe and listen.  Breathing still insulates what I feel, see and hear and allow me to feel centered and calm.  So if you see me just sitting somewhere not moving I'm not asleep or dead, I am breathing.

Waxing a Car

           It does not matter if you are an amateur cleaning up your car for a summer drive or a professional preparing a car for show the basics of waxing a car are the same.  The very first thins is the car must be clean of dirt and stains on its surface.  Any particle or particulate will scratch the paint during waxing if not removed.  Blemishes and stains will be sealed under the wax as well if not removed beforehand.  Both of these items will mar your end result.

            The choice of waxes is monumental.  The varieties in cost, wax base, physical media (liquid, solid) and dispersal method (spray, pour, wipe) are more about personal desire and level of effort (LoE) you wish to expend.   If you don't like lots of effort don't choose a paste or solid wax unless you are using an orbital applicator/buffer.  Sprays are nice and easy to apply but don't provide the shine level of the paste or solid wax types.  A happy medium can be liquid waxes; these offer the ease of application of the sprays but not the best possible result of the solids.  Sometimes it is helpful to ask others what they use and the result the received. 

            Following the directions is important.  Over applying a spray or liquid can cause extreme difficulties in removing excess wax than a proper application of a solid or paste.  In addition, letting any of the waxes dry too much results in hours of arm tiring, back wrenching, and sweating that would have been unnecessary if the directions had been followed.  Most directions indicate a cool and dry place out of the sun to apply and remove the wax.  Remember, the sun super heats the surface of your paint acting like an oven cutting dry times as little as seconds for some spray waxes and less than a minute for even solid waxes.  If you cannot find a shady area or the temperatures are hot, only work on a square foot or less at a time.  You will also be sweating a lot, so drink plenty of water.  Directions also state to use clean dry applicators, removers and buffing materials.  An old wax rag that has not been washed and inspected can hold dried grits of material in the fabric that act like sandpaper.  There is nothing I am aware of that is more frustrating than to look down at a bunch of swirls and scratches knowing you just caused them; because, you did not follow the instructions.

            Now that you have your wax, clean and proper application/buffing/polishing materials, a cool shaded location, and a bottle of water for yourself, it is time to get to work.  Waxing performed properly is not hard.  Do not confuse getting the car ready to wax with waxing.  I have spent as more than two days time preparing a car for a show.  The least time taken is about four hours on a brand spanking new car that was run through a touch-less car wash just to prep it for waxing.  You need to make sure every trim piece, body molding, seam, and crease are clean and dry; this includes the door entry areas, fuel filler cap/cover door, hood overlap areas and trunk lid channels as well.  Water or debris in these areas almost always will find a way to mar your waxing by watering down your wax (most are water soluble), or scratching your paint.  It is my personal recommendation to only work on no more than one half a panel or section at a time.  This keeps your quality and attention to the details of that section maximized.  Just like with washing the car start on the highest place, aka the roof.  Wear clothing that if it touches the paint will not damage or mar the surface.  If you have a belt buckle, any buttons, zippers and catches on your clothes will scratch the paint, so place tape over them.  Better yet, don't wear clothing that is not held on with either elastic or draw string.  Another consideration is your own sweat falling into your work; make sure you dry yourself off regularly with a dedicated sweat towel to prevent undoing your own work.  If you work methodically taking a small break after each completed panel the job will not take long and you can see your own reflection in the surface.  Once you have completed the entire car get a ruler and hold it lengthwise just off the surface.  You should be able to read the entire ruler in the reflection.  If you can see the entire ruler; then this is called a "foot deep" shine. 

            In the end it is about your personal expectation, and your personal LoE you wish to expend.  By following the instructions, using good materials, and setting a reasonable expectation with yourself, waxing your car can be a great way to spend an afternoon.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Bring Your Car and Dance!

         For me the experience of racing a lap on the Shenandoah circuit at Summit Point Raceway is exhilarating like what I imagine being a professional dancer would be.  The memories of previous laps fill your mind as you prepare yourself and your vehicle for the next event.  The sounds of the engines acceleration and deceleration fill your mind as if they were the music happening live again.  You listen for smoothness of those sounds.  Was there a pop, misfire or change in pitch that did not harmonize with the raucous detonations of acceleration or cackles of deceleration?  As you enter and exit the turns did the chassis creak and groan warning you of failure, or a lack of finesse in your actions?  The tires will sing to you in squeals and screeches as they are pressed beyond the ability to keep traction.  Brute force yields groans, howls, and cracks of your vehicle; whereas, smoothness, gentle pushes, and  prior preparation provide anticipated movements that flow into one another forming crescendo's and silences from one movement to another.  You listen to this complex melody like a conductor of an orchestra listens to each instrument section for its place and time in the symphony. 
            When a professional driver/dancer prepares for competition they test the fit of their clothing to make sure nothing interferes with the movement or feeling of the dance.  The driver/dancer feels his/her suit for comfort and flexibility; does it bind or restrict movement; are there any places that poke or press uncomfortably?  The driver/dancer's partner is inspected to make sure the tires have the correct air pressures and tread depths.  Does the clothing/bodywork fit closely and tightly without impeding flexibility?  When they are in "hold", is the placement of the throttle, brake and clutch pedals natural and free flowing?  Do the driver/dancer's hands fall naturally to the steering wheel and gear shifter?  When the partner holds the driver/dancer, is the "hold" firm; not yielding, but not so tight it constricts the dance?  Lastly, when the driver/dancer looks his/her partner in the eyes/gauges is the vision clear and ready to dance?  Now the driver/dancer asks his/her partner if they are ready to dance by igniting the engine and listening to the music.  If the answer is "yes" then the vibrations through the seat and steering wheel will be in sync; the exhaust instrument will come into tune as your partner's gauges warm up, and as you take your warm-up steps the sway and rock of the chassis closely follow your lead.
            Now, it is time to dance/race!  You look around and see your competition in their suits and vehicles; some brightly colored like peacocks attracting a mate; some plain in simple primary colors like panthers and coral snakes; all of them preparing to hunt.  Start!  You take your first steps trying not to collide with the other dancers on the floor/track; shifting, guiding and maneuvering into position before the first turn in the dance/race.  Your partner pulls you into the dance/race pushing you into your seat, and filling your ears with the music its song.  Your body reacts pushing adrenaline into your mind narrowing your thoughts and sights; this is dangerous.  You must fight the feeling, or you can die from not seeing an oncoming car, hearing the sounds of steel impacting steel, or thinking quickly enough to prepare for the turn ahead and anticipate where the driver/dancer next to you will do next.  As you enter the first turn you have already moved beyond it.  Your partner/vehicle has followed your lead holding you in its hands the body stiffens with anticipation then rolls into the movement.  Like a sailing ship changing tack there is a moment of weightlessness at the apex of the roll like stopping time for just a moment.  Then the roll returns stiffening into anticipation of the next move.  The ending of each movement is at the edge of control with the tires singing full pitch feeling each vibration in the seat of your pants and finger tips on the wheel.  You are pushed and held against the side of your seat.  The pressures akin to the launching of an Atlas rocket into space.  If you have executed well then it will end just as the next movement begins smoothly with no sudden changes.  If not, then you are out of space colliding with the other dancers creating the shriek of tires, breaking of glass, crunching of metal and the sudden use of your body as a crash test dummy.  Emerging from each movement is elation, excitement and ecstasy of accomplishment, but one you must calm for this is only one movement of a twenty minute dance.  The smoother your dance the faster you go around the floor until your mind is racing to process the approaches, turns, exits, passes and conditions.  Time begins to slow in how you think, like being fully aware you are approaching a decision but being unable to make your body react in time.  You have just reached beyond your limits; to stay here is to risk death; only fools and dead men travel beyond.  So you balance on the edge causing your heart to race, body to sweat, and your mind to work faster than IBM's Big Blue in a Zen like state.  You are one with your partner flowing through the dance transitioning between weightless apexes into violent pushes accompanied by music that is as much the dance as the sound created by it.

            When it is over you have no regrets.  Any missteps you learned from for your next practice.  Your body is tired; your mind worn out but none of that matters because you are at peace with the reward of the dance.  Some others will rant, or be upset, or lay blame for their performance.  To those I say you did not give everything you had, if you did then you would not have the energy for such antics.  Your partner should not be injured, but be a reflection of you; they should be worn and hot from exertion, but not broken.  Together working as one you dance again finding those moments of perfection in the movements of the race.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Some thoughts on electric car tech and marketability

               The largest hindrance to electric vehicles is convenience.  The mass market is so used to how petroleum vehicles operate that they expect the same or better from the next generation.  The ability to pull up and pump in fuel less than 5 minutes is the largest obstacle electric vehicles have to overcome.  The other large market requirement is range.  Most electric vehicles have a very limited range to just around where a person lives.  The Nissan Leaf ( is a prime example of a limited range and practicality of a fully electric vehicle.

               There have been several solutions proposed by manufacturers over the last few years.  Tesla ( is proposing building "Supercharger" stations across the country.  This building of a national infrastructure is highly ambitious.  But the recharge time is still 30 minutes under optimal conditions.  This is well short of what consumers expect.  Fisker ( attempted to build a hybrid electric vehicle to resolve the distance and convenience issues.  Other companies like Toyota, Hyundai, General Motors, Ford and several others have chosen the hybrid electric solution.

               Hybrid electric vehicles combine electric drive trains with various power generation methods.  The power generation can come from several sources such as gasoline engines, diesel engines, hydrogen fuel cells, propane fuel cells and at this time natural gas fuel cells.  Of these our current national infrastructure only supports one on a consumer mass market level, the gas/electric version.

               Toyota (includes Lexus), General Motors and Ford are the leading manufacturers of gas/electric hybrids in the USA.  The Toyota Prius is the most recognized in this group.  In the last 2 years General Motors released the Chevrolet Volt.  The Volt ( however uses a new type of battery that has a faster recharge rate than previous generations.  However this still keeps the vehicle on a petroleum based fuel.  The one benefit is it just uses less of it.  Unfortunately at over $40,000 it is not affordable to those of lesser means.  As a stop gap measure and bridge to non-petroleum this works. 

               If you remember your history under President Bush there was a push for hydrogen fuel cell technology in the USA.  In response to this there were many people who stated that we did not have the infrastructure to support vehicles powered in this way.  Well in response to this Hyundai corporation conducted a hydrogen fuel cell/electric car test in 2011 (  The proved that using our existing gas suppliers you could drive across the USA in a hydrogen fuel cell/electric car.  Their point was "if there is a Will there is a Way."  Since hydrogen can be created from water then it is a viable resource to replace petroleum as a fuel source.  The vehicle though is aimed at the middle to upper income markets due to its cost.  It does though pass the time to refuel and distance requirements the mass market looks for.

               One type that has been used for decades in the railroad industry is diesel/electric.  Large locomotives run diesel engines to drive generators that power the electric motors used to move the train (  In new news Volkswagen is testing a version of this technology ( that has a claimed 263 MPG on petro-diesel.  This will be an ever greater benefit if it is switched to Bio or WVO diesel fuels.  This addresses both the refuel time and distance needs of the mass market.  However, it still seems aimed at the upper end income market.

               So, at this point none of the major vehicle manufactures have a product that meets the convenience needs and cost point required to be accepted and used by lower income persons.

               The solution I believe is in combining existing technologies in a way never done before.  While I cannot go into the manufacturing processes and detailed designs at this time due to legal and patent concern, I can cover the basics.  Weight, materials cost, logistics and overhead are the main obstacles that add cost to the end product. 

               To attack the weight and manufacturing costs a three part main chassis construction of carbon fiber, Kevlar and steel are used.  The carbon fiber could be made in regions where coal is mined.  This creates jobs, new industry and helps to balance out the reduced use of coal as an energy source.  In most regions there is already a solid rail infrastructure for logistics purposes.  Using simple pressing technologies the outer composite structure can be manufactured near or at the same location where the carbon fiber is produced.  The steel inner "safety" egg can be produced in any market where steel is produced and stamped.  These and the support systems can be transported to a assembly facility anywhere there is a rail or shipping line.  Due to their materials they do not weigh much so the logistics cost can be greatly reduced.  The reduced weight of the vehicle requires less energy to propel it making it more efficient. 

               Another area of weight in a vehicle using electric motors is the weight of energy storage.  A great video pointing this out is .  The use of capacitors can greatly reduce weight and resolve the "refueling" time.  The issue is reducing energy loss during non-use times.  There are strides being made in this area (  Unfortunately at this time it only works at -273C.  Another area of progress are Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) (  These are super cooled magnetic fields used to store energy.  Once again though due to the cooling needs and cost of materials are not ready for use in the mass market at this time.  However, the Chevrolet Volt is an example of how progress is being made over the initial offerings of the Toyota Prius.  The Volts battery is far superior to the Prius's in terms of zero state to full state charge time.  This is the area I will be focusing my greatest attention.  Once this hurdle is cleared there will be no reason a vehicle for lower income markets cannot be produced.

               The last area of focus is what fuel cell to use.  Bloom Energy has a solution that I have been watching.  Solid Oxide Fuel Cells ( are made of sand.  These can be produced in any location that has sand such as beaches, deserts and river beds.  The simplicity of the fuel cell is its greatest strength.  It has no moving parts.  You pass a "fuel" through the cell and energy is created (  Per Bloom, the cell can be created to run off of natural or propane gases, hydrogen or even bio-diesel.  Remember, Hyundai already proved this technology in 2011.  You then use that energy to power just about anything. 

               The technologies required to make my dream a reality are not fiction but fact.  With the exception of the energy storage, the fuel cell, fuel type and vehicle construction materials can be sourced all over the world.  The manufacturing can occur in multiple geographies.  The materials can be sourced and produced in those geographies.  This reduces the logistical cost 10 fold.  Improved marketing will remove the middle layer thus further reducing the cost by at least 20%.  What is now a $40,000 USD vehicle should come in around $18,000 to $25,000.  If a lower cost market can produce the vehicle and ship it for less to other markets that can even be a bonus.  But since most markets have import levies on vehicles not manufactured in their jurisdictions it may well be cheaper just to manufacture them in that location.  In the end I can see my dream coming true.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

When Will We Get It Right?

          Thinking on "Green Energy" today.  People like their conveniences.  They like the comforts of a modern society.  The sad thing is most of those comforts and conveniences use up something that cannot be replaced to make them, non-renewable energy.  Coal, oil, natural gas and the multiple derivatives that come from them all have limits.  Nuclear power will not be viable until we master fusion.  Even then the creation of that source requires using minerals that are also finite in source.  As a society we have the knowledge to know that these limits exist.  Yet, here we are still using the same resources we did in the 1920's.  Why?  Because "we" like those conveniences and comforts.  "We" feel that they are earned and due us.  There is enough to last the next generation or two so what is the emergency?  I'll tell you, turning something of great mass like an ocean liner or tanker requires space, energy and most importantly time.  The worlds mass in people creates an energy inertia that will take decades to adjust course on.  The sooner we start the change, the less chance of us hitting the reef of resource loss.  

         So when do our societies act?  In my opinion we should have in the 1970's. We could have then made the infrastructure changes without endangering the limits of our resources.  Now in the 2010's we are now endanger of hitting those limits.  There have been some substantial attempts and strides in the last few years.  Under Carter a biofuels program was started.  That program also failed when it was found the fuel produced used more energy that it created by the time Reagan was in office.  The hydrogen fuel cell under Bush the second.  The Pickens Plan pushed the use of natural gas as a stop gap until renewable resources could take over.  Under Bush Sr. the E85 program was started using corn to make alcohol fuel similar to Brazil's program.  Unfortunately under Obama the program was canceled because the food industry convinced the Government that it would drive up the cost of foods.  This is (in my opinion) a false statement from industry that did not want more competition for its resources.  Of course we still pay corporate agriculture NOT to farm to keep the prices up.  So while there have been major attempts to change our energy consumption habits nothing has survived.

          This does not cover of course the other Green initiatives that have been pushed under both Bush's and Obama.  The push for an economical replacement for crude oil has been the most televised action.  Algae, pulpwood processing, and dedicated non-edible crops are in the forefront.  Solar and wind energy are growing as well.  These of course are the most preferable.  Many companies are using the roof space for solar generation to supplement their electric use.  So much so that the energy companies are starting to down size "Grid" plans.

         The area of greatest need that I see is making all new infrastructure "Green" and self sustaining.  By this you stop creating the "old" and replicate the "new".  This process while slow will slowly force the change needed. Examples of this are requiring all lighting in all new construction to be 12v LED.  These produce a bright enough light for general purposes and used 1/10th the electricity as their 120v counterparts.  The amount of energies used to heat and cool homes is also an area to address.  Most homes are notoriously inefficient as heated and cool spaces.  Gaps in insulation, materials used, windows, doors, and roofs in modern construction all waste huge amounts of energy.  By taking a page from some desert and cold climate builders there are ways to address these areas.  The use of premade laminate wall units that have no air gaps when constructed; aerated concrete using a polymer to keep it from disintegrating under vibration (earthquake),  geothermal heating systems, "in earth" construction, solar water heating and power supplementation, water reclamation for secondary uses, rain water collection for primary uses and many other techniques need to be made mandatory in all areas of the country.  Yes, these do increase the initial cost of a home.  But the long term benefits far outweigh the expense.  Another distinction needs to be made in transportation.  The use of Over The Road "OTR" transportation has a direct consumer cost impact.  This means of transport has a direct reliance on crude oil via diesel fuel.  If we require all OTR vehicles used for goods transportation to be hybrid electric we can shift that industry to more efficient use of diesel fuels.  Or, they can shift to fuel cell technologies and remove the interdependency on the oil industry by an estimated 60%.  This leaves lubricants, vehicle materials and tires to contend with.  The next area to address is commuting use of fuels and road maintenance.  Due to the sprawling nature of the American suburb commuting has become an accepted way of life.  This "freedom" to come and go as needed is one of those conveniences spoken about earlier.  So how do other places handle this task?  Not all countries have as many cars as Americans.  They solve it with public transportation.  Imagine if you only really needed a car for long distance travel?  I would suggest that this be defined as any trip of over 25 miles from one's home.  A regional public transportation system around any area with population densities similar to the northern Virginia area.  The initial investment in a rail/bus system would be high.  However, the long term benefits of lower emissions, road costs, and reduced fuels used would far outweigh that value.  An added benefit would be better disaster response due to lower traffic rates and multiple routes of access should also be weighed.  Let the car become the vacation tool.  Let it also become hybrid electric as well.

          These are just some of the ways using current technologies we can make change.  They still allow convenience and comforts.  When you walk into a house and see a light will you care if it is 12v or 120v?  When you go to work and you can leave to go home at any time because there will be a train or bus to take you and it costs less than driving, will you still want to drive?  When you get your power bill and it is more like $50 for a 4 bedroom house will you lament cleaning the solar panels twice a year?  When the power goes out and you still have days worth of lighting and basic low wattage sources for your laptop, cell phone or other small appliances will you miss being in the dark?  When the cost of oil continues to climb but does not affect the cost of your gallon of milk, will you wish it was like the "good old days" when every time the price of oil changed you food cost more?  To all these things I don't think so.  So, what are we waiting for?

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Introduction to my minds island of thought.

Each person has their own views, histories and a volume of life that colors everything they do.  This blog is where I express my experiences, opinions, wishes, hopes and dreams.  Know I respect your (the person reading this blog) thoughts concerning what I put out here.  I ask that you do the same for me.  No foul language, no disrespect will be allowed.  That said let's see where this takes us.