Monday, January 19, 2015

Soap Box Moment (SBM): 
In as much as I dislike Moore, Clinton, Bloomberg, Obama and that type of extreme liberal view point and their opposites in the extreme Right; I must respect their Right to express their views. For if we silence one then who is to say we are not the next to be silenced? Our Constitution secures these Rights and I once swore to defend that document against all enemies foreign and domestic. While I hate much of what they say, I will defend their Right to say it. For in the end, it is not them I am defending but my own Rights as well. 

Perhaps one day (I'm not too hopeful on this one.) they will understand that in between the extremes is where most of us live. It is in that in between place where we need to strengthen ourselves as a Nation. Our core will need to be tolerant and respectful. It will need to be mindful of the forest and not the tree. It will need to be willing to understand the Constitution protects the single Citizen against the People as it does the People against the Government. That core must be stronger than the extremes lest we tumble over and fall as a People and a Nation. This my friends is my greatest fear. 

I fear that we are falling to apathy of the "It's not my problem" and the "It doesn't affect me." crowd that seems to grow daily accepting the mediocre and average as acceptable norms. We seem to have lost the Will to be the best as a Nation. We have lost the vision of a future where We The People means every Citizen of our Nation. Our government has lost its mandate to watch over our future in favor of what is popular or gets them re-elected. We have lost our way and I have no good solution for finding it again. This is my fear for my child's and all our children's futures. I am attacking our drug like dependence on fossil fuels. I am gambling everything because if my child's future is in jeopardy then mine is meaningless. 

So I ask you, what are you doing to secure those futures?

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