Sunday, June 7, 2015

Whether you are religious, spiritual or just a human; there are times you must remember the good that has befallen you.  This is called many things.  The two I remember most are “Counting your blessings” and “Being thankful”.  In the United States of America (Yes, I like the full name of our nation.  Shortening it seems to devalue its meaning.) we have a national holiday called Thanksgiving.  It is good that we gather together at least once per year for this purpose.  Today though I propose that we do so many more times each year informally.  At times when you see, hear, taste, touch or feel something that makes you smile perhaps you should just stop and be thankful for that unique moment in time.  Perhaps, you could reflect on all the other moments that touched you in similar ways.  In that moment of reflection be thankful you were there at that singular moment of time to experience it.  That time will never occur that exact way again.  It was and is unique to every moment of time before or yet to be.  It is a rare thing to be present during those moments, cherish them.